ParrotOS (Linux) 4.7 Update

So installed ParrotOS 4.7 x64 as my primary OS on a Lenovo X250 laptop. It’s been installed on it before so expected no real issues. Since I downloaded this image of 4.7 several weeks/months ago I knew it would need updating.

After installation, the automatic update feature announced 2500+ updates available so I told it to update. It finished about 2 seconds later so I checked using the command line. Still around 2500+ updates so attempted to upgrade the files and found an error about libc6-dev breaks libgcc-9-dev < but 9.2.1-14 was to be installed. Apparently there is a similar issue on some releases of Kali.

First of all, I didn’t realize that Parrot should be updated using parrot-upgrade rather than the typical apt update/apt upgrade/apt full-upgrade used on many Debian and Ubuntu flavors. I found this out while searching for ways to fix the broken upgrade. Looks like parrot-upgrade simply does a lot of the work for you and helps keep the system aligned with ParrotOS.

Anyhow, found a reference that instructed to edit the file /var/lib/dpkg/status, search for the Package: libgcc-9-dev and delete all lines in that particular block. Also remember that you’ll need to use sudo as several descriptions I’ve seen assume you are logged in as root or are running a root shell.

If you’re not really sure how to do the above:

sudo nano /var/lib/dpkg/status

Use ^W to search for libgcc-9-dev and use ^W multiple times as needed until you reach the Package: libgcc-9-dev entry

Use ^K to delete all lines from Package: libgcc-9-dev until you reach the next Package: entry.

Use ^O to write the file back out (don’t change the name, just hit <ENTER> to accept the default name).

Now run sudo parrot-upgrade again; it should refresh the packages and install properly. If running a different distro, try running sudo apt update and then sudo apt upgrade or sudo apt full-upgrade.

GOG: Master of Orion 2 Settings

I’ve been using GOG for various older games for several years now. Finding the location to switch a game from full screen to windowed was a challenge initially. I run various distros of Linux and normally install the games under ~/Programs/<game name>. If you want to change settings, there should be a file in that directory named:


In my case for Master of Orion 2, the file is named dosboxMOO2.conf. There are other conf/settings files but for my purposes this is the one I normally change.

For windowed mode instead of full screen, set fullscreen to false. Also, go ahead and make an entry for windowresolution such as 800×600. One other setting I often change is setting autolock to off (this prevents the mouse from becoming trapped when you click in the DosBox window). Some people like the autolock setting, especially handy for some games, but with dual displays and other work going on it’s a pain because I can never remember the key shortcut to unlock the mouse.

LinApple and Xubuntu 17.10

bzip2 -d to Working folder, followed by tar xvf

switch to Working folder and src folder

make should first return sdl error

sudo apt-get install libsdl1.2-dev (may also need libsdl2-dev)

sudo apt-get install libcurl4-openssl-dev

sudo apt-get install libzip-dev

Other libraries may be necessary but these seem to fulfill the needs on my system (I allow them to install all dependencies and don’t bother trying to analyze everything).

Hope this helps!

VLC Audio okay but no Video in Xubuntu 17.10 amd64

(this probably applies to various other distros as well)

Reinstalled Xubuntu 17.10 and found that VLC (VideoLAN) playback for at least 1 MKV file was resulting in audio only with no video. One possible resolution:

Go to Tools -> Preferences and enable Advanced. In the resulting tree, go to Video -> Output Modules then select OpenGL or other output. Automatic doesn’t seem to detect right, depending on configuration.

As always, YMMV

CoCo3 (Tandy / Radio Shack Color Computer 3) and DriveWire 4 with Linux

I picked up a CoCo3 several months ago and had been trying various ways to get it to communicate with DriveWire 4 under Xubuntu (an Ubuntu derivative). Yesterday, I finally had some success.

First, I was lucky in that my CoCo3 included a cassette cable (4-pin round DIN connector and 3 plugs on the other end). This is helpful as I have no diskettes at all for the machine, although I have a total of 5 floppy drives available. Additionally, I ordered an RS-232 Serial cable (round DIN to DB9) which I’m using with a USB-Serial adapter on the Xubuntu end.

When setting up DriveWire 4, simply unzip the archive to its own folder. Make sure you install OpenJDK runtime 8 (9 might also work). You’ll need to change the shell script to executable using chmod +x as well. Finally, add yourself to a group that is permitted to access serial ports. Generally speaking, I add my normal user to dialout, tty, and uucp. I believe, but I’m not certain, that each of these will permit access to the serial port. Once added, you have to log out (not necessarily reboot) and then log in.

Once you’re logged in, start DriveWire 4 and go to the Config -> Simple Config selection. Choose CoCo3 (presumably any of the others would work as well). Make sure your serial adapter is plugged in and select the correct serial port, followed by finished (the defaults are probably okay for starting out).

You now have a chicken-and-egg problem; if you’ll download the DriveWire3 cassette files, etc., from Cloud-9’s web site you’ll then be able to transfer the cassette file (.wav) to the CoCo3 and boot. That will allow you to transfer additional files, images, etc., and if you have the proper hardware can save disks and/or cassettes.

I’m sure I’m leaving out some things but maybe this will help get you off to a good start. Remember, if DriveWire is having trouble finding your RS-232 USB adapter under Linux, it is almost certainly going to be a problem with groups/permissions. If the adapter is found but doesn’t seem to transfer, you probably then have a null-modem vs. terminal issue and need to make sure you are in the correct mode with the correct cable configuration.

Xubuntu 16.10 – Install LinApple (LinApplePie)

I recently installed the LinApplePie version of LinApple in Xubuntu 16.10. In order to compile from source, you’ll need to install the following:

libsdl1.2-dev (for SDL2 development)

libcurl-ocaml-dev (for CURL development)

libzip-dev (for zip file handling)

libsdl-image1.2-dev (for SDL2 images)

It’s possible that other requirements might exist but these seemed to satisfy my system; I always install build-essentials when installing Xubuntu, so if the above doesn’t work you might also give that a try. Remember, you’ll need to use

sudo apt-get install

as regular user accounts won’t work. The final executable (linapple) will be in your src folder so you’ll ultimately need to move it somewhere in the path if you want to run it from arbitrary locations, as well as setting some additional configuration settings to mark the location of MASTER.DSK and/or other files.

CoCo3 Emulation under MESS 0.145

First, I’d like to say that it’s been a challenge getting this configuration to run. Not because of software issues but because there doesn’t seem to be anyone else that wants to do exactly what I’m doing.

For those who might not know, CoCo3 refers to the Radio Shack/Tandy TRS-80 Color Computer 3, which hasn’t been available for over a decade. However, it was a nice piece of consumer-grade kit, not quite at the level of the Amigas but still pretty decent. MESS refers to the Multi Emulator Super System, designed to provide emulation for many different pieces of computer hardware.

Just to quickly sort things, make sure your version of MESS is 0.145 and the ROMs that you are using were created with that version in mind. I am using the 48 TPI DS DD NitrOS9 image, but something to watch out for is that OS9 compatible disks must be named with an os9 extension rather than dsk in order for MESS to properly recognize them. Otherwise, it assumes a corrupt image but doesn’t report it as such.

Anyone interested in specifics is welcome to post a reply; I’ll try to update the system to the point that I have it working at that time.

MacBook 6,1 (Late-2009) with Mac OS X on VirtualBox

*** Please read your EULA carefully prior to completing this installation. Note that I have not made use of any hacks or tools and have used only my Apple recovery DVD. OS X Server is allowed to be virtualized under certain conditions on Apple-branded hardware, and I am running an Apple machine. My intent is not to cheat Apple, as I have already purchased their hardware and, presumably, their software. ***

My main system is a MacBook 6,1 (late-2009) model on which I normally run Ubuntu. However, I have been trying to find a way to run OS X under emulation (to avoid bootloader issues and to simply have it ready all the time). After researching for quite some time, I decided that it might be worth a shot to simply try running the restore discs that came with the machine under VirtualBox.

First, I downloaded VirtualBox 4.0.4 from Oracle (, 64-bit version for Ubuntu 10.10. The version that is available through the repositories is missing some functionality as it is the open source version. I also downloaded the extension pack so that full USB capabilities would be available.

After installing VBox, I went ahead and setup a new virtual machine, selecting OS X Server 64-bit as the machine type, memory set to 2048 MB, and graphics memory set to 128 M (with 3D acceleration enabled). I also changed the networking to Bridged mode as this tends to work better for my purposes.

When first running the machine, insert the first disc that came with the machine and configure VBox to use that disc. You’ll see a lot of console information go by before the installation screens finally start. Once you’re in the GUI and at the point where you would normally select the drive to install to, there won’t be a drive available. Click on the Utilities menu and Disk Tools. With the correct drive selected, click the Partition tab and replace Current with 1 Partition. Make sure the partition is configured as HFS+ Journaled and then click the Partition button. Once complete, close the Disk Tool window. Your drive should now be visible as an option for installation.

Make sure you click Customize and select any additional software prior to continuing. Then click Install and find a few web sites to surf (

Amazingly, everything except video seems to work properly straight out of the box. The video works fine, I just haven’t found a way to change the resolution to 800×600 (at 1024×768, the default, it overflows the screen and I have to scroll). Sound seems to work, although it’s not great quality sometimes. The system is responsive and I haven’t encountered any problems thus far.

I’ll be installing all my normal Mac software over the next few days and will try to remember to post updates.

This marks the point of having Ubuntu 10.10 64-bit as my main O/S, with Windows 7 64-bit and Mac OS X 64-bit both available any time I need them. I recommend the 8 GB upgrade mentioned elsewhere, however, as 2 virtual machines will quickly eat up your available RAM if you want to have any kind of performance.

For those wondering, I enjoy the look and feel of Linux on a day to day basis better than Mac OS X and Windows. All 3 operating systems have their good and bad points and it’s really just a matter of personal choice. My main reason for purchasing the MacBook was to get a well-integrated platform to install Linux on, even if that turned out to be a pain in the derrier.