Xubuntu 12.10 and SheepShaver

[This will probably be a running post as I figure out how to make things better]

Out of the box, the Non-SDL version of SheepShaver seems to function okay on Xubuntu 12.10 after a couple of changes:

  • Initially, I was receiving failures based on libesd. The first thing I had to do was install libesd0 (sudo apt-get install libesd0).
  • Edit the /etc/sysctl.conf file (as super user) and add vm.mmap_min_addr = 0 to the end of the file; this corrects memory errors when running as non-root account. This change will automatically be loaded everytime the system reboots.
  • To activate the above change in the current session, use the command sudo sysctl -w vm.mmap_min_addr=0. This isn’t carried between reboots so you’ll need to do the first step as well.
  • Since OSS sound (/dev/dsp and /dev/mixer) are no longer used by Ubuntu and its variations, a wrapper must be used to get sound. I installed the alsa-oss package, but found that it didn’t provide proper volume control. However, I then found that there is a wrapper already installed, so if you run the command padsp ./SheepShaver (or whatever your path/command is) you should find that you have complete sound support.
  • In the GUI for SheepShaver configuration, prior to clicking Start, go to the Serial/Network page and enter slirp for the Ethernet interface. While some networking functionality won’t work with this type of connection, for the most part you should be able to use this for web browsing, downloading, etc. After you start the OS, you should be able to go to the Control Panel for TCP/IP and see that DHCP has assigned addresses in the 10.0.2.x range for DNS and IP address. If not, I’d recommend you check the remainder of your configuration as this seems to be automatic on the newest version of SheepShaver running with Xubuntu 12.10.
  • One final hint: Experienced Linux users will often run these types of programs from the Terminal until everything is stable as nearly all programs will report errors, etc., to the command line, even if they don’t necessarily show an error on the X screen. Once you have all errors, faults, whatever corrected, then setup a script that will start the program, including the wrapper for sound.

At this point, I have an operation OS9 machine running in SheepShaver. Those looking for a good tutorial and assistance on setting up the ROM image, disk image, etc., should check out the Redundant Robot site which can be found through any good search engine.

Permanent pairing of mouse with Xubuntu 12.10

In the event you cannot get Xubuntu 12.10 to pair with your Bluetooth mouse after each reboot, try clicking on the Bluetooth icon in the Panel and then click Devices. Select the mouse you want to pair with each time, right-click and click Trust. This should cause your system to automatically pair with the mouse each time the system boots (or the mouse gets new batteries).

Xubuntu 10.10 and Windows Shares

Ubuntu offers a more direct method of connecting to Windows shares than that provided through Xubuntu. The Places -> Connect to Server menu item that everyone is familiar with in Ubuntu isn’t there in Xubuntu, but you can start Applications -> System -> Gigolo and get mostly the same functionality. Simply click the double computer icon (the left-most) and enter the correct information.

Now, you’re probably wondering where the hell the files are mounted… the same problem actually exists in Xubuntu as Ubuntu, if you are using the vanilla system. You can easily find the mounted files by navigating Places -> {Your home}. Right click in the file area and click View Hidden Files. Now, find a folder called .gvfs (gnome virtual file system, I believe). You should see any mounted shares in that location. Click and enjoy the goodness of uploading files via Firefox, etc. The love is there, you just have to look for it.